Saturday 13 December 2014

The vacation takes on a whole new meaning. - Chapter Five

Before long, warm autumn sun was beating down on the two ageing friends sitting side by side on some large rocks watching a glistening sea splashing up, washing over their craggy surface. Then it returned constantly, lapping into small crevices where tiny fish were feeding, as two people walked nonchalantly along the beach behind them, chatting as they kicked up some seaweed.
     Harry took a large bite of the succulent roast chicken they bought at Port Grimaud market, earlier that morning. The chickens were known by many of the locals to be always popular, hence it was necessary to queue early on a Sunday, much to the dislike of both men. They were not normally early rises.
     'Nice spot here,' he managed between mouthfuls.
     They were relaxing after passing St Maxime along the coast from Port Grimaud, enjoying the chicken and all that went with it, sipping wine from sturdy glasses balanced on the rocks beside them.  
     A few more people strolled toward the nearby beach, with not much more than what appeared to be a towel and something to lie on.
     All of a sudden Tony nudged Harry and grinned. 'Do you see what I see?'
     'What's that?' asked Harry, far too interested in his chicken.
     'Look! Over there.' Tony nodded in the direction he'd been gazing for the past few minutes, slowly sipping from his wine glass.
     Harry stopped eating for a moment, following Tony's gaze across to the beach.
     'Good grief! I do now,' he replied, wiping his mouth with a serviette. 'Well well well - nudists huh?''
     'Thought my eyes were deceiving me at first,' chuckled Tony.
     'Nope! Don't think they are somehow. I guess the weather is hot enough for them. When in Rome..., and it is France I suppose. Must still be popular here,' he continued. 'Thought that sort of thing had died out - maybe not.'
     Harry returned to his chicken after shrugging it off lightly, taking a bite from a leg, before licking two fingers. 
     'Don't think it will somehow, but you won't catch me parading around like that,' Tony said with a slight shudder.
     His friend took one more glance over his shoulder towards the beach, where several more people had gathered, then bit into a roast potato.  'Me either. Many people do it you know - all ages too. I blame the parents - its how they think, what they believe in bringing up their offspring. But ...'
     Tony stretched his legs, dipping his toes into an oncoming sea. Small waves washed over his ankles. 'Crumbs it's cold!' he cried, moving higher up to another rock, interrupting Harry mid sentence. 'Sorry old man, what were you saying?'
     'Oh, nothing important...' Harry turned, just as a young couple paddled into the water nearby. 'Good Lord! Tony...!' But Tony had noticed too, finding it difficult to look anywhere else. The young woman was beautiful, from the tip of her long blonde hair, to her toes. Her figure was perfection and skin gently tanned. Her pert breasts were softly rounded, with hips shaped like a goddess. She reminded him of a Botticelli painting he'd seen in Paris, finding it difficult averting his eyes from her.
     Her husband or partner, was holding her hand, laughing as the waves splashed up and over part of her writhing body.  Harry too, watched, as small droplets fell from her breasts back into the rising sea. The young woman laughed with him, moving her body evocatively to avoid the cold water. It glistened deep golden in the early afternoon sunlight, long strands of fair hair becoming wet and clinging to her graceful body.
     Tony swiveled back toward the remains of their lunch, they'd spread out amongst the rocks. 'Phew! It's getting hot here without any shelter. What do you say to moving on old friend, eh?'
     'Hmmm,' mumbled Harry. What were you saying Tony?'
     'I said we might think about moving on. Harry...are you listening to me, or...?'
     'I heard, yes...errr, perhaps we should,' he said, slowly. Alright old man, yes, you're definitely right. Let's do that.'
     'There's still plenty of driving to do today,' Tony interjected, gathering up the last of their lunch before standing up carefully, his knees aching for a time after staying in one position.
     They were both well into their seventies and long retired, not particularly looking forward to the next decade.
     Harry joined him and together they wandered off back to where the car was parked. 'What's it's like to be young eh' he murmured, half to himself.
     'Yeah, but you still wouldn't catch me in a public place without my clothes on.' Tony opened the car door on his side, dipping his head inside. 'It's blazing hot in here!'
     'It'll soon cool down when the air conditioner gets going.' Harry stripped off another layer before starting the engine. 'Do you think we should bother Miss Madam, the sat/nav? After all, she might be in need of her 'after lunch' siesta.' He was in two minds.
     'Certainly not!' retorted Tony, very firmly. 'I''ve had enough of her for a while,' he concluded.'
     'Think you're right. It can't be too difficult to continue along the coast road, can it?'
     'I guess not.' Tony sounded, halfheartedly. He settled into the car seat, hot as it was, and sighed. 'Nice spot for lunch, though,' he remarked with a chuckle.
     Harry was turning onto the main road that took them in an easterly direction. 'We left at the right time,' he said, before hearing a sudden cry coming from the dashboard area.
     'What about me! You might get lost you know,' grumbled Miss Madam.'
     'I wish she would,' Tony replied under his breath, pulling another face at Harry, who was trying to concentrate on his driving. 
     'I heard that!' An indignant voice moaned outwardly.
     Harry bit his bottom lip, trying not to smile. 'You were meant to.'
     Miss Madam wouldn't give up easily. 'You'll be sorry!'
     'Not that line again,' sighed Tony, gazing out of the window at a particularly handsome woman, dressed in nothing more than a piece of fabric loosely draped around her bare shoulders.
     'She's at it again.' Harry was approaching a multi exit roundabout. 'Which way? I didn't see a sign, did you Tony?'
     'Told you so!' Miss Madam mocked. 'You can't go far without me, can you?'
     'We'll see about that!' Tony replied, sounding defiant. 'Maybe we should extract her entirely,' he said with a sideways sneer.
     'I wouldn't do that if I was you,' came the answer.
     Both men ignored her, as Harry appeared to make the correct decision at the roundabout, carrying on the main road, heading for Cannes.
     The coast was magnificent in the afternoon light. Glimpses of sea met their eyes as Harry manoeuvred the Mercedes around tight bends, before entering the town. 'We haven't really got a lot of time to spend here, if we want to push on for Nice. What do you think?'
     'Right again old man. Yes, think we should keep going. It's a bit early to stop here for the night. I've been here before and I'm looking forward to Nice. Can't say I remember much, though. It was so long ago when I last saw the place.
     'Me too,' replied Harry. 'Nice it is then.' 
     The car wound around cliff faces not far from the sea, while afternoon light filtered through trees, in and out of branches and onto the car bonnet - flickering over the road to where villas, half concealed with large gardens richly adorned in flowering shrubs, nestled into hills overlooking the sparkling Mediterranean.
     The afternoon sun was lowering toward the west, when Tony began thinking of their hotel. Nothing had been pre-booked.
     'Might be a good idea to find a hotel soon. You know what the car parks are like late into the evening. They fill up quickly and there's nowhere to park.'
     'Quite right old man,' replied Harry, beginning to fade slightly. 'Hope we can find one soon,' he added. 'Don't know about you, but I'm almost ready for a cold beer. Perhaps when we've settled into our rooms, we could seek out somewhere for an aperitif, then some supper.'
     'My thoughts entirely!' sighed Tony, stretching his legs under the dashboard.
     'Hey! Watch where you're putting your feet,' came a sudden impertinent voice.
     'It's her again,' frowned Harry, before turning the car into a likely looking hotel with parking available. 'Perhaps she'll disappear in a puff of smoke one day,' he said, hopefully.
     Tony was looking at the barrier in front of them. 'Unless she can wave a magic wand and lift that! he suggested, pointing at the wooden obstacle in their path.
     'I very much doubt it,' laughed Harry incredulously, opening his door to try and see how to remove the barrier barring their way - when a strange thing happened. The barrier suddenly lifted, so he quickly scurried back into the driver's seat. 
     'Perhaps she did wave her magic wand.' He added, grinning at the idea that it could actually happen. 'She's been reprieved then!'
     Later that evening after they had eaten, the weather remaining warm and balmy with a light breeze, a stroll was decided upon towards the beach. They thought back to when they'd visited years ago, trying to remember if it was sandy, but rather thought it may consist of small pebbles instead. Both had decided that shorts were preferable, though the weather had to be hot before this was acted upon - and it was hot. Polo shirts and lighter shoes were now worn, as the evening became humid and sticky. Many other people were dressed in a likewise fashion.
     On the way, they spotted a large area containing fountains which, at choreographed intervals, shot water high into the air - with a park and seats in close proximity. 
     Nearby an odd tram trundled up the center of the piazza, winding around a corner further on, before it disappeared into the city streets. 
     Several people walked through or on the edge of the fountains, enjoying the coolness of tiny droplets.
     'I can't be bothered with the beach,' remarked Tony.
     'Me either.' Let's check out this park. Those fountains look stunning in this light.'
     Harry was still feeling hot after the long drive and the late evening remained very warm indeed. He wiped his brow with a spotted handkerchief. 'Phew! I don't fancy this humidity.'
     Heading over to the fountains, they marveled at the glowing lights upon the glistening surface, shimmering with reflected  amber hues from nearby buildings. Many lights shone from what appeared to be under the water's surface, creating a spectacular scene of tranquil beauty. Beyond, was a magnificent view of surrounding hills, dotted with villas. An old church was perched a short distance behind the fountains, its steeple appearing to rise out of the mistiness.
     Inquisitive, Tony ventured into the water, walking on the surface resembling a shallow lake. He held out his arms as the watery mist embraced his face - enjoying the deliciously fresh coolness so much, that in time he became wet through.
     Harry sat on a nearby seat, a garden behind, with people strolling along the path between him and the fountains. 'What on earth are you doing Tony? Do you realize you are soaked through?' he remarked.
     'Indeed I am and enjoying every moment of the exquisite sensation immensely,' Tony replied with a laugh. He hadn't felt like this for a long time.
     'Remember those people on the beach today and what you said?' Harry reminded him.  'Something about, "you won't catch me naked like that!" he added, raising his eyebrows, noticing just how wet his friend was.
     'You ought to try this Harry. It's delicious!' Tony was ignoring the comment, laughing at the intermittent fountain jets, shooting high in the air. Several other people of various ages were doing the same.
     But Harry shook his head in reply, still feeling uncomfortably hot. He looked longingly at Tony enjoying himself, like a child discovering a new toy - and grimaced slightly. His friend beckoned him one last time from a misty haze, rising mysteriously from the depths of the fountain. It wafted about ghostlike, almost obliterating him.
     Several people walked slowly through it, amazed, while others simply stood still, the only part of them visible being from the waist up, or even just their legs showing.
      Harry began having second thoughts, feeling the cooling mist wafting over his face and limbs, enjoying the sensation. Standing up, he walked slowly upon the water, mirroring the water jets and soft golden night lights surrounding them. He couldn't believe how different and alive he felt, obviously influenced by those around him. Old and young alike were enjoying the light, refreshing feel.
     Tony squatted down to take a closer look where the water jets sprang from. Some had turned off, while others merely squirted water halfway up from their original position. 
     With a grin on his face at the picture Tony presented, Harry did the same, but suddenly there was a whoosh and a full blast of water shot up into Harry's face, almost drowning him. He gasped, looking incredulous and more than a little surprised - completely soaked from head to toe.
     His old friend couldn't help laughing at the sight, as where he stood, nothing  at all had happened. 'You do look a sight Harry! What was that you were saying about being naked?' mocked Tony. 'I think you'd win the prize for the wet T-shirt look.'
     There was nothing Harry could do about it and laughed in answer to his friend's observations.
     'Oh alright then. does feel great!' he admitted, grinning; then remembered it was Tony who mentioned something about not being caught parading naked - but said nothing, not wishing to stir the pot.  
     Tony almost replied with, 'I told you so,' but thought better of it.
     They played like children for a while longer, arms outstretched enjoying the coolness all over, feeling much revived, before thinking it was time to return to the hotel.
     'I can't go back looking like this!' remarked Harry, looking down at himself with a certain amount of disgust.
     'It's not all that bad,' Tony replied. 'The night is still awfully warm. We would be dry by the time we strolled back. In the meantime, how about a nightcap at that interesting outdoor restaurant we passed earlier? They won't even notice,' he chuckled. 
     Harry was convinced, not needing more time to consider the suggestion. 'Right then! A good end to a perfect day, eh?'
     'Exactement!' Tony sometimes resorted to French when in a good mood. 'Une journee parfaite!'
     All was well with the world as they wandered off in search of the restaurant, leaving droplets of water in their wake; Harry feeling a lot better after his unexpected 'shower' in the fountains.
     'I might begin on my novel tomorrow...,' he was thinking to himself.

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