Monday 1 July 2013

Lark ascending

Sweet merriment of song
travelled o'er countryside long
heard amidst grasses wavering
 lark singing in my soul.

It flutters like music heard
in a rainbow passing near
lilting song light & lovely
twittering on wings hovering.

Meadows swaying your tune
as in a cloud dancing free
ascending lark finds love
his mate alights gladly true.

Summer song soaring feel
perfumed on morning breeze
warm sunrays moonlit nights
but lark ascends singing free.

Songbird sweeping fields
across lengthening shadows be
constant singing fluttering down
there is magic all around.


  1. That's lovely Lee. I think though that you will need to introduce me to poetry so that I can understand it and appreciate it better. My mind is more tuned to logic and I have yet to learn how to let my mind wander and allow the words flow.

  2. Thank you indeed for your comment, it was more than appreciated. Poetry can appear in many forms to the inner self & one's soul & be expressed in many ways. Dylan Thomas has always been one of my favourite poets. He knew how the written word could be expressed. Fern Hill (eg) is a delight & transports you to a different plane of thought, feeling & understanding. Much depends on the source of inspiration from which it is gleaned. There are poets & there are poets & I thank you for at least considering me in this category.
